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Easy Meditation for Beginners

Meditation for beginners is easier than you think. Try out these 10 powerful meditation tips to start your mediation habit and see the immediate benefits today.

When you think of meditation, what images come to mind?

Do you imagine a monk sitting in an uncomfortable position for hours at a time? Do you get the feeling that meditation is boring and tedious?

Think again! Meditation is easy, relaxing, and you don’t have to be in a monastery or on a retreat to see helpful and immediate benefits.

Meditation for beginners can seem daunting and kind of dull, but don’t worry. In this article, we’re going to share some excellent meditation tips that will help you easily fit meditation into your life.

You don’t need to be a devoted monk to practice meditation, and we’re going to share with you how meditation can vastly improve your life (reduce stress and even heal your body).

Then we’re going to help you get started with meditation today so you can build a lifelong habit that you can depend on and even look forward to!

Why People Meditate

Ask anyone who’s practiced meditation for years why they meditate and they’ll happily tell you it’s one thing in life that they can rely on to make them feel good. When meditation becomes a habit, it transforms into a reliable source of peace and tranquility.

Meditation is a respite for many people with high-pressure lives. Celebrities, for example, live extremely hectic lives — they face intense pressure from being in the spotlight and their work hours are often draining.

Celebrities today are increasingly incorporating meditation as an essential part of their lives. Look at what some familiar faces have said about their meditation practice:

Meditation is a lifelong gift. It’s something you can call on at any time.

Paul McCartney

Meditation is all about the pursuit of nothingness. It’s like the ultimate rest. It’s better than the best sleep you’ve ever had. It’s a quieting of the mind. It sharpens everything, especially your appreciation of your surroundings. It keeps life fresh.

Hugh Jackman

It feels good. Kinda like when you have to shut your computer down, just sometimes when it goes crazy, you just shut it down and when you turn it on, it’s okay again. That’s what meditation is to me.

Ellen DeGeneres

These celebrities are onto something. People meditate, not out of obligation or a hope that it will be helpful. They meditate because it creates very visible, very real positive changes in their lives.

The Benefits of Meditation for Beginners

hese positive changes aren’t just in their head either. Meditation has been scientifically proven to promote mental, physical and spiritual health.

So, what can meditation help you with? Below are just some of the benefits of meditation:

  • Reduces Pain — The brain has natural pain-reducing chemicals called opioids. Many pain-relieving medications trigger this chemical to flood the brain. Unfortunately, this has devastating side effects like addiction and withdrawal. Meditation, on the other hand, reduces pain without releasing these chemicals. Scientists are still baffled by these incredible results.
  • Reduces Blood Pressure — Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a deadly condition. Keeping your blood pressure in check is critical for good health and prevention of heart attack, stroke and heart disease. Turns out meditation is one of the best things you can do to keep your blood pressure in check.
  • Ease Symptoms Of Anxiety And Depression — Anxiety and depression plague our world, and scientist are desperate for a cure that doesn’t come with tons of side effects. Nearly fifty studies later, researchers have come to a solid conclusion: meditation, without a doubt, alleviates anxiety and depression.
  • Help You Quit Smoking (And Other Bad Habits) — Everyone knows smoking is incredibly dangerous. Study after study has proven that smoking is one of the worst things you can possibly do for your health, yet many are addicted with no hope of quitting. Forget patches, medication and just trying to quit cold turkey. Getting in the habit of meditation will give you nearly a 90% chance of stopping smoking and never relapsing.
  • Become More Spiritual And Improve Your Life — Connecting with your higher self and something bigger than yourself always results in a positive experience. Even if you’re not religious, meditation gives you a sense of place in the world, and helps you cope with life’s daily stressors. It’s been scientifically studied and proven that meditation improves your quality of life.